back starlings people in-game

Mark Mullins

Mark Mullins is the current CEO of broadside animation and the 'antagonist' of shipwrecked64. Mark is responsible for the creation of a research labratory, which was focused on experimenting on the a specific type of mineral found in the Broadside beach caves, which were n=called "stitchcaves" by the employees of the park. LOater they found out that this mineral would mould itself around flesh and also mimic it.

In an attempt to bring Rex broadside back, they would experiment on lab rats before creating a prototype which they used to turn Rex into his now starling form. After their succesful attempot at bringing rex back to life, they would proceed to do the same on 4 more individuals (Bucky, Olive, ect).

At some point in 1995, Mark commissioned cogware to create a nintendo 64 style game based on Broadside's characters. Around two years into development, Mark's wife, Harley, was diagnosed with cancer, resulting in her arms being amputated. Mark started to use the funding of cogware games for Harley's treatment (this failed, as Harley then died following the closing of Studiogrounds), which caused Conner thomas to create Stumbler, a mockery of his wife and her amputated arms.

Later, Mark arranged a meeting with cogware games, berating them for how the game did not meet expectations despite how long it has been funded for.During the argument, Conner uses Harley against him which causes Mark to cut all ties with Cogware games and cease development on shipwrecked.

In the early 2000s Mark now find himself being stalked by Vandal/ Jawhne dough on bullet.N. While it is unknown why Vandal decided to start stalking Mark, it is the reason why he temporarily moved house.

It is unknown if mark is still alive or not, but it is implied that he has been killed by Vandal in Olive's level in the 1997 version.

Connor thomas

Connor is the founder of cogware games and one of the lead devs for shipwrecked. He is friends with Elizabeth baker and Harry waters, two of the other founders of Cogware (he is also a single father and has a son named Patrick).

Throught the creation of Cogwares later game, "blundercover", Mark mullins decideed to hire Conner and his team to make shipwrecked 64. Through some notes in layer 3, we found out that Conner had discovered many of the secrets of broadside (most likely the murders and starlings). He says that he cannot tell anyone what he has found and that he's terrified of what Mark would do to him if he found out what he's seen.

During december 1995, Both ELizabeth and Conner were brainstorming character designs for shipwrecked, He suggested the idea for Stumbler to have no arms, but make the character enjoy doing activites that would require arms (Elizabeth had no clue that this character was a jab at Harley). Chief wulf was also inspired by his son, Patrick

In 1997, Mark tells us in some tapes that Cogware has stopped contacting them for months, this led to the meeting that Mark held. After the meeting all the equipment used to make shipwrecked had dissapeared, Its implied that connor is the one who took the equipment.

Somehow the game did softlaunch in 1997, but was quickly pulled back from the shelves after the disturbing content in the game files was discovered. Conner then took his own life by jumping off the roof of his house that same year. In the true ending we see that shipwrecked was released in memory of Connor

Elizabeth Baker

Elizabeth (or 'liz') was the lead artist at Cogware, and helped with the character design. It is implied that she helped restore the game when it was found, and she is still alive (around 50 years old according to stumbler??)